Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sony's back for more, running BioShock DRM with a rootkit

Internet reports indicate that the Sony owned SecuROM protection used in Bioshock comes complete with a rootkit for the Bioshock installation on BOTH the demo and full retail version of the game. Understandably this has angered a lot of gamers.
BioShock is undoubtedly a critical darling, but it's not without its share of technical woes. 2K Games is already on the ball with the widescreen field of view "issue," and has even slackened activation requirements, allowing for up to five SecuROM activations per copy of BioShock. Unfortunately, activation problems go deeper than that, since the Sony-owned SecuROM has deemed it necessary to pack in a rootkit with the BioShock installation, both for registered versions of the game and, inexplicably, the demo. We would've hoped 2K games chose its DRM provider carefully, and screened for such shenanigans, but Sony's SecuROM really has no excuse, since we've certainly been down this path before.
News Source: Engadget

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