Saturday, August 25, 2007

Watchdog Group Calls for Investigation in Wake of Manhunt 2 Re-rate

Recently Rockstar announced it Manhunt 2 would finally get a public release after securing a M rating, however the Campaign for a commercial-free childhood is not happy with the decision. As a result they are calling for a federal investigation in order to find out how exactly Manhunt 2 became an M rated game.
The [CCFC] is extremely concerned that the ESRB has downgraded its rating for Manhunt 2… Despite industry claims to the contrary, M-rated games continue to be marketed and sold to children under seventeen. The ESRB’s reversal of its earlier decision dramatically increases the likelihood that Manhunt 2 – the most violent game to date produced for the interactive Nintendo Wii platform – will be marketed and sold to children.

Just three months ago, the ESRB felt that Manhunt 2 was so violent that it took the extraordinary step of giving a game an AO rating for violent content for only the second time in its history. We urge the ESRB to make public their rationale for changing Manhunt 2’s rating, including detailing any content that was removed from the game.

We call upon Rockstar Games to allow the content of Manhunt 2 to be reviewed by an independent review board with no ties to the video game industry.

We ask the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the process by which Manhunt 2’s rating was downgraded from AO to M.
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