Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wii to overtake rivals in UK before November

According to official sales figures from Chart Track, the Wii could overtake its rivals before November in UK if it continues to sell at such a good level. Regardless, the Wii is expected to break through the one million units sold in the UK region within 3 to 4 weeks which is quite some achievement.
The Nintendo Wii is on course to hit one million sales in the UK within three to four weeks, according to official sell-through figures from Chart-Track, Eurogamer is reporting.

Currently the console is outselling the 360 in the UK by over four to one, and the PS3 by more than six to one each week. If it keeps it up, it should pass the GameCube's lifetime UK sales figure of just over a million by the end of September.

Naturally, then, its next milestone will be to overhaul Microsoft's lead in the UK - which, if the current trend continues, could be before the end of October.
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